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Mississippi Mud Pie

  • RECIPE MAKES: 8 portions
  • PREP TIME: 1 hour
  • COOK TIME: 45 mins
Step 1

Preheat oven to 190°C/fan 170°C/gas mark 5.



Step 2

Rub the Fate low protein all-purpose mix and the margarine together in a mixing bowl until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

Step 3

Add the water  and combine with the Fate mixture.

Step 4

Leave to rest for 10 minutes.

Step 5

Dust a clean work surface with Fate low protein all-purpose mix and knead the pastry for a minute on the work surface until smooth.

Step 6

Roll the pastry out with a rolling pin to a 32cm circle and lift into the 26cm baking tin making sure that you press the edges.

Step 7

Leave to stand for 5 minutes.

Step 8

Cut the excess pastry off the sides.

Step 9

Make Fate chocolate cake mix up to packet instructions.

Step 10

Melt Vitabite in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water.

Step 11

Add the Vitabite to the mixture and mix well.

Step 12

Fold in marshmallows until combined.

Step 13

Pour mixture into the pastry case and spread until level.

Step 14

Bake for 30 minutes.

Step 15

Remove from the oven and tin and allow to cool.

Step 16

Top with ProZero Double ‘Cream’ to serve.

Top Tip:
Top with grated Vitabite for an even sweeter kick!

Fate low protein all-purpose mix, Fate chocolate cake mix, ProZero and Vitabite are foods for special medical purposes and must be used under medical supervision. This recipe has been specifically designed for a low protein diet.

Refer to labels for allergen and other product information.

  • To make the pastry:
  • 250g Fate Low Protein All-Purpose Mix
  • 125g Soft Margarine
  • 30g Sugar
  • 60ml Water
  • To make the brownie:
  • 250g Fate Chocolate Cake Mix
  • 7 Vitabite bars
  • 65g Soft Margarine
  • 120ml ProZero
  • 40g Mallows marshmallows
  • To make the topping:
  • 300ml ProZero Double ‘Cream’ (see recipe)